Are Escorts Really Just Prostitutes?

When it comes to selling sex for money, what you call the product really matters. The way you get the woman to have sex with you determines what you call her. In principle, there is no difference between an escort and a prostitute.

The word prostitute has a negative connotation and society thinks lowly of these individuals. Escorts and prostitutes accept money in exchange for sex with strangers.

Escorts however do consider themselves on a different level than prostitutes. They charge more money for their services. Their services are also sought from catalogues or online. Prostitutes on the other hand walk the streets or avail themselves at the brothels.

However, in the same way that a prostitute can provide services beyond sex, an escort does too. Some men contract escorts to accompany them to high society events. They act as social escorts during these events and thereafter provide extra services.

Escorts can take long trips with the client while prostitutes provide overnight services. Escorts also provide shocking services such as serving as companions to family get-togethers. Chinese and Singaporean family reunions normally take place during the new-year period. At this time, some family members hire escorts to prevent their relatives from talking about their single status.

All in all, a majority of the escorts are prostitutes. Some escorts do however only sell companionship for money. Others do sell both companionship and sex and there is a slim line between the two. Escorts relate to managed services or brothels. Conventionally, prostitution is like plain vanilla and is limited whereas escorts are a more flavored version and offer more options.

A prostitute is like a low cost product serving the same function as an escort who is a premium product. Clients pay for escorts through cash, credit card or internet transfers.

Escorts go to the location of the client while prostitutes wait for the clients to come to them. Viber Escorts are easily available online or physically while prostitutes have to be located physically. Escorts even promote themselves through emails sponsored content and campaigns.

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